If you are graduating in the next several months, you need to contact us immediately.

Call us at 866-913-5111

Nehez Recruiting recruits for automotive suppliers located mostly in Southeast Michigan in the greater Detroit area. These suppliers typically identify themselves as Tier 1, Tier2, testing services, raw material, or capital equipment companies. We also support their plant locations throughout the United States.

We are teamed with six major Michigan-based universities to help identify new roles for engineering college graduates. Our most immediate job openings typically target graduates first engineering role as a Mechanical Engineer or Electrical Engineer. With the advent of hybrid engineering degrees focusing on Computer Science and the engineering technologies, we are increasingly seeing more professional automotive positions to suit those graduates as well.

A warning to those new engineering graduates: Be careful applying for engineering positions that require the tracking of engineering changes. The vast majority of engineering entry level candidates contacting us for their first engineering role express a desire for hands-on technical work. We strive to pull together a variety of entry level engineering positions that involve real-world engineering training on products and services that apply directly to the cars and trucks you see on the road today.


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